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Heat leaves regional hot spots as popular ma...

The COVID-induced boom for Australia’s regional housing market has burst, with several regional markets that had th ...
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Monthly Housing Chart Pack – November ...

Each month the CoreLogic Research team puts together a Housing Chart Pack, with all the latest stats, facts and fig ...
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CoreLogic Home Value Index: Six months of fa...

The geographic scope of Australia’s housing downturn broadened through October with every capital city and rest-of- ...
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RBA Decision November 2022 – Statement by Ph...

At its meeting today, the Board decided to increase the cash rate target by 25 basis points to 2.85 per&n ...
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Unpacking the 2022-23 Federal Budget, the Ho...

Eliza Owen unpacks the direct and indirect implications of this budget for the housing market. Restrained spending ...
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Double-digit fall in Sydney housing values s...

Sydney home values are down -10.1%, equivalent to approximately $116,500, since the city hit its peak value in Febr ...
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Australia’s construction costs continue to r...

CoreLogic’s Cordell Construction Cost Index (CCCI) for Q3 2022 showed national residential construction c ...
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National vacancy rates hit record low as aff...

As Australia’s rental market continues to tighten to record levels, the pace of rental growth has started to ease, ...
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RBA Decision October 2022 – Statement ...

At its meeting today, the Board decided to increase the cash rate target by 25 basis points to 2.60 per&n ...
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Home Value Index shows rate of decline in ho...

CoreLogic reported a further fall in housing values through the first month of spring, with the national Home Value ...
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